Transform Your Smile With Expert Implant Dentistry

Dental Implants Palm Beach Gardens, FL

It is common for people to be self-conscious about their smile, and many do not realize just how big of an impact that expert implant dentistry can have. Implants provide functional and aesthetic benefits that other restorations cannot achieve. The implant process is more in-depth than options like dentures, so the overall outcome is also different. If you are looking to transform your smile, consider how implant dentistry can help you achieve your vision.

How expert implant dentistry transforms smiles

Implant dentistry describes the process of installing dental implants into the mouth. Implants are permanently affixed, unlike removable dentures. This means the overall process of getting them takes longer, but it also offers distinct advantages.

How dental implants work

A dental implant is a tooth prosthetic attached to a metal post that is installed directly in the jawbone. This is a valuable but often overlooked element of implants. When a person loses a tooth, the area where the roots formerly were in the jawbone is now empty. Over time, the bone may begin to atrophy (get thinner and weaker) because it is not receiving stimulation from the tooth roots.

Dental implants fix this issue because the metal posts stimulate the jawbone like natural tooth roots. During the implant installation, the dentist will make an incision into the gums to access the jawbone and then install the rod, usually via a screw mechanism. The patient will need to wait multiple months for the jawbone to completely fuse with the metal rod, but after that time, the prosthetic tooth can be installed and will function just like a natural tooth.

Why implants can alter smiles

Dental implants are useful for smile transformations because they closely mimic real teeth. Expert implant dentistry fills gaps in a patient's smile with teeth that are indistinguishable from natural ones at a glance, so no one will know that the person has had one or more teeth replaced.

Patients can also smile with confidence because they do not need to worry that their implants will fall out. Unlike dentures, which can become dislodged during smiling, talking, or eating, dental implants are bonded directly into the jawbone.

Who is a good candidate for implants

A person who is missing at least one tooth can consider dental implants as a potential solution. However, those who are suffering from severe gum disease or do not have enough jawbone tissue to support the metal posts may need to undergo additional steps to be ready for the implants. This includes the potential for bone grafting, gum grafting, and other services.

Transform your smile with expert implant dentistry

Implant dentistry unlocks new and exciting options for transforming your smile into something that you can be proud of. Whether you are missing a single tooth or an entire arch, implants can help you achieve a beautiful smile. Please contact our office today in order to learn more or to schedule an appointment.

Request an appointment here: or call Rafael E. Cordero, DDS PA at (561) 763-9221 for an appointment in our Palm Beach Gardens office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Implant Dentist in Palm Beach Gardens, FL.

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